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Life Science Medical

For bio-medical applications, the transmitted light modules with 5x, 10x
and 20x in IM·profil M design are ideal.

All modules are ultra-compact, come with the free OptoViewer and are programmable with many popular software packages. This makes them universal for scientific R&D needs as well as high-throughput screening solutions.

For microscopy automation, Opto offers its own OEM BioScreen platform
for multi-fluorescence imaging, motorized X-Y-Z hardware and autofocus functionality.


Typical applications are:

- slide screening of pathology biopsies
- blood / urine analysis of smears or in flow
- IVF for visualization of embryos
- low contrast biomaterial microscopy
- microfluidics, flow cytometry imaging
- automated multifluorescence image analysis
- digital and quantitative image-based PCR
- digital microscopes for lab-on-a-chip automation

Microscopy and automation solutions in bio-medicine

Opto offers transmitted light microscopes for droplet-based microfluidics, automated multi-fluorescence microscopes for cell analysis, inverted autofocus microscopes for motion analysis of growth processes, and high-throughput fluorescence microscopes for DNA and RNA sequencing.

Opto's miniaturized imaging modules are found in a wide range of high-technology applications from world leaders. These include remote automated bacterial fluorescence microscopy, time-lapse high-throughput cell processing, automated high-throughput blood screening, DNA and RNA sequencing as well as surgical instruments for intraocular lens replacement.

Transmitted light microscopes for droplet-based microfluidics

Droplet-based or digital microfluidics is a screening method used in practice for various applications. It involves the generation of serial sequences of droplets, which are regarded as self-contained reaction vessels.

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Laboratory workstations for continuous photo-documented sample tracking across all preparation steps of pathological specimens (tumor tissue, skin and bone biopsies).


SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH manufactures devices for the treatment of corneal refractive errors using the LASIK procedure (laser in situ keratomileusis). Opto developed a stereo operation microscope for a new generation of devices, which allows the doctor to visually check the operation and at the same time couples the UV spectrum of the excimer laser used in a controlled manner.